Thursday, January 29, 2015

The Time Tunnel: Chapter 2 – “Where no Aliens Dare!” - Part 5

Whatever it was it didn’t touch the floor and it seemed like it was part of the craft in some way and parts of it were moving.   To describe it, it was short about 4 feet tall.  It had three main parts but it seemed only to have two dimensions.  The three parts were round like disks that were a foot or so across and the disks were aligned vertically one on top of the other.  Each disk would take a turn to spin 1 quarter turn then stop.  Then the disk above it would spin a quarter turn and stop.  And so on.  When the disks turn sideways the disk would fully disappear as it had no side dimensions.  


Each disk looked like a window with something looking at us with multiple eyes in rows on each side of a body or head or something.  It was truly something out of this world.   


“Plant the charges and set the timers….NOW!” shouted the Major.  One of the marines started to fire her pulse rifle at the disks.  The energy was reflected back into the mussel of the rifle and the gun blew up and injured the marine.  “No one take any action!” barked the Major.  “Let’s see if the thing can reflect this” one of the marines said.   The team brought two small tactical nukes with them.  All of a sudden the team at once all started feeling sick and they started to loose vision hearing or feeling a thought coming into their heads and minds.  “SA SA SA SA” It’s like they were paralyzed and in a trance.  Hearing in their minds “KLEE KLEE SA SA SA”  It was looking like the team was not going to prevail.  They were not going to destroy the alien craft and they all were going to die right there or be taken captive.   Everything turned into a dreamlike state for the marines.  The marines started to become part of the walls and floor of the alien ship and they could not stop it. 

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