Tuesday, January 27, 2015

The Time Tunnel: Lost in Time! - Part 9

A team is assembled to go back in time to stop the transfer of Doug and Tony by the Time Tunnel in 1968 so as to prevent the aliens from overloading the transfer causing the spacetime gravitational wave that will knock the asteroid out of it’s orbit where the aliens will then shoot an energy beam to disturb the asteroid’s orbit further causing it to crash into the Earth destroying all of humanity.

The assembled team will be lead by Captain Grant Stillwell from the United States Air and Space Force.  His handpicked team, Dr. Pete Russell Electro-Physicist, Army Specialist Simon Carver tactical expert in combat and weapons and Dr. Julia Swain, daughter of the late Dr. Raymond Swain that worked on the original Time Tunnel project back in 1968.  Ray or Dr. Ray as most called him was killed in the blast in 1968 when Julia was just a baby.  She doesn’t remember her father. 

The insertion team will go back in time to the original Time Tunnel …the night before the 1968 transfer attempt that caused the overload and explosion.  The team will reprogram the radiation bath time probe which will make the time tracker loose it’s lock on both Doug and Tony.  There will then be nothing to lock onto and bring back.  Doug and Tony will both be forever lost in time but all of humanity will be saved. 
There is a high expectation that the aliens will attempt to interfere or block the new Time Tunnel and prevent the transfer of the team back to 1968.  There has been an increase in UFO activity in the Western United States and the country's armed forces are on alert.  The air force is however helpless to stop the incursions into US air space by these unwelcome visitors.  All attempts to mediate a solution has been ignored.   So we have devised a three prong plan to stop both the asteroid and the aliens.

End of Chapter 1:

Chapter 2:  The Plan and the Insertion

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